Velvyslanectví Thajského království v Praze vá...
On 12 September 2019, H.E. Mrs. Ureerat Chareontoh, Ambassador of the Kingdom of...
On 11 September 2019, H.E. Mrs. Ureerat Chareontoh, Ambassador of the Kingdom of...
On 5 September 2019, the Royal Thai Embassy in Prague hosted a reception celebra...
On 4 September 2019, H.E. Mrs. Ureerat Chareontoh, Ambassador of the Kingdom of ...
On 6 August 2019 H.E. Mrs. Ureerat Chareontoh, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Th...
On 30 July 2019, H.E. Mrs. Ureerat Chareontoh, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thai...
On 23 July 2019, H.E. Mrs. Ureerat Chareontoh, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thai...
On 22 July 2019, H.E. Mrs. Ureerat Chareontoh, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thai...
On 19 July 2019, at 14.00-16.00 hrs, as part of the activities to celebrate the ...