About Thailand

Located in a fertile, tropical landscape in the heart of Southeast Asia, Thailand is a mosaic of diversity and culture. A nation of over 60 million, the Thai sense of identity is allied with Buddhism and the Monarchy. It is a country proud of its independence, rich heritage and tradition, but it has also adapted and embraced the rapid change brought about by globalization.

Today, Thailand is firmly committed to participatory, multi-party democracy. Thai people from all walks of life, at all levels, are increasingly taking part in public activities and enjoying the rights and freedom that come with democracy. Modern Thailand is building a democracy that is based on good governance, the rule of law, human rights, transparency, and accountability, and one that would lead to sustainable development.

Thailand has a dynamic economy – one that is open, market-based, private-sector led and integrated into the global economy. More than just a top tourist destination, Thailand’s strategic location, literally on the crossroads between South and East Asia, is a gateway to a growing market of nearly 600 million people. Combined with its solid infrastructure, global connectivity, world-class transport, quality human resources, and business-friendly environment, Thailand is attracting an increasing number of investors. While Thailand has embraced modernization and industrialization as it now moves on the path of creative economy, agriculture remains an important sector in the Kingdom’s economy Thailand has long embraced an “outward-looking” foreign policy. It seeks to promote friendly relations with other countries and participates fully and actively in international and regional organizations. Thailand is a founding member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and continues to contribute to ASEAN. Thailand also plays an active role in the global community of nations especially at the United Nations where it has supported international efforts to promote economic and social development, peace and stability, as well as human rights and human security. Thailand is also a leader in creating linkages between regional organizations in Asia with regional organizations elsewhere.

An open, vibrant and diverse society, endowed with rich cultural heritage and unspoiled natural beauty, Thailand is a Land of Smiles and a Land of Opportunities waiting to be explored. Come experience Thailand Today!
