Team Thailand met with CzechInvest

On 22 March 2022, H.E. Ms. Phasporn Sangasubana, Ambassador of Thailand to the Czech Republic, and Ms. Wajanan Silpawornwiwat, Director of Tourism Authority of Thailand, Prague Office, had a discussion with CzechInvest and Technological Park on business potential in Brno. 

The delegation was briefed by representatives on the topics as following:
- Mr. David Uhlíř, Chief Strategy Officer of South Moravian Innovation Centre (JIC) about its role in orchestrating regional innovation strategy
- Mr. Vít Čermák, Director of regional office for South Moravian Region, CzechInvest, about the startup technological incubation
- Ing. Jitka Sládkovám, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Technology Park, about the current operation and future plan of the Park, and 
- Ms. Hana Bendzikova, Brno Municipality, about business potential of Brno city
