Thailand expects tourism revenue of nearly $50 billion in 2017


V roce 2016 přijelo do Thajska 32,6 milionu návštěvníků. Letos země očekává, že se příjem od zahraničních turistů zvýší na 49,8 miliard USD.

In 2016, Thailand had 32.6 million visitors.  This year, the country expects revenue from foreign tourists to rise to 49.8 billion US dollars.

Thailand expects revenue from foreign tourists to rise 8.5 percent to 1.78 trillion baht ($49.8 billion) this year, a deputy prime minister said on Monday.

The expected rise results from an improved outlook for global tourism as well as Thailand's investment in infrastructure, Deputy Prime Minister Thanasak Patimaprakorn told reporters.

"This is another year that we will need to focus on quality tourism more than tourist numbers," he said.

Thanasak expects daily tourist spending to increase to 5,200 baht per person this year, from 5,100 baht last year.

Last year, Thailand had 32.6 million visitors, a rise of nearly 9 percent from the year before.

(Reporting By Pracha Hariraksapitak; Writing by Pairat Temphairojana; Editing by Jacqueline Wong) 

Source: Reuters 
