9th edition of the Brussels Airport Aviation Awards: Thai Airways won "Punctuality Award Long Haul Airline"


2015, a year of novelty and diversity 

Brussels Airport Company is continuing its annual tradition by presenting the Brussels Airport Aviation Awards to those airlines and partners who have in 2015 particularly distinguished themselves in the area of punctuality and performance, environment and safety, network development and new routes.

Brussels Airport Company wants to reward airlines and other partners for outstanding performance in the past year. During the 9th edition of the Brussels Airport Aviation Awards event 9 Aviation Awards were presented in various categories.

The Network Development Awards go to airlines that have developed new routes or have achieved a noticeable growth in passengers or cargo.

  • Network Development Award Short Haul Airline
    Brussels Airlines started 12 new routes and was able to increase the number of passengers in Europe to 6.5 million, a record increase of 13% compared to the year before.
  • Network Development Award Long Haul Airline
    ANA launched a daily flight between Tokyo and Brussels Airport with the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and even held the European première of the exclusive Star Wars plane at Brussels Airport.
  • Network Development Award Cargo Airline
    Yangtze River Express started direct flights between Brussels and China, which for the first time in a long while provides Brussels Airport with full-cargo capacity between Brussels and China.
  • Brucargo Award
    StarBroker DHL has been working closely for many years with Brussels Airport to attract new airlines. The Brucargo Award is awarded to the partner who has made a special contribution to the development of the cargo division at Brussels Airport.

The Environmental and Safety Awards go to airlines or persons who paid particular attention in 2015 to the environment and constantly improve safety standards and awareness.

  • Environment Award
    Safran/Snecma made a large investment to renovate the engine test bench at Brussels Airport. Thanks to new noise filters, noise nuisance in the vicinity is limited during the test runs.

  • Safety Award
    Rudy Pont and Carl-Philippe Combes of the Thomas Cook Flight Safety Cell take active steps to create a safe working environment for apron staff and flight crew and to minimise the number of incidents of damage to aircraft.

The Punctuality and Performance Awards reward passenger and cargo airlines that were very punctual or performed particularly well. Punctuality refers to the best on-time performance i.e. with an arrival or departure within 15 minutes of the scheduled time. The performance for cargo is calculated using the number of weekly flights, number of destinations, total quantity of cargo flown, cargo per flight and the growth in cargo tonnage.

  • Punctuality Award Short Haul Airline
    Air Malta operates 9 weekly flights and in 2015 flew with a punctuality of 91.7%.
    Punctuality Award

  • Punctuality Long Haul Airline
    Thai Airways International flies 4 times a week to Bangkok and in 2015 operated with a punctuality of 90.7%.

  • Performance Award Cargo Airline
    Qatar Airways Cargo grew strongly in 2015 at Brussels Airport, both in the number of weekly flights and destinations and in the amount of cargo flown, cargo per flight and cargo tonnage.

Source: Brussels Airport

