Thailand in Focus :: Agriculture Ministry devising organic farming strategy to boost product values

PNEVN580417001000201_17042015_110311 PNEVN580417001000202_17042015_110311 The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives is on track to formulate a plan to promote organic farming in hopes of adding value to Thai products. 

Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Petipong Pungbun Na Ayudhya gave an interview regarding the organic farming promotion strategy, saying the ministry will place its emphasis on two main issues. One of them is to increase productivity through the expansion of organic cultivation areas by at least 10 percent every year. 

The other area of concentration is quality control, in which rules and regulations will be imposed on organic agriculture, aquaculture and livestock farming to ensure that all products meet their standards. Moreover, the new quality guarantee symbol “Organic Thai” will be applied on exported products in addition to the existing Q label in order to reinforce their credibility in the eyes of foreign consumers. 
Credit and view full story at National News Bureau of Thailand
