Thailand in Focus :: Thailand Shines as Premiere Business Events Destination


Highlighting a variety of destinations, on top of ninth internationally recognised international convention and exhibition centres, offering a total of 200,174 square metres of floor space, Thailand can offer unrivalled business events experiences that are never stuck in the normal business hours.


Voted as the world's best destination for nightlife, Thailand will turn traditional business events programme up a notch with truly extravagant experiences.  Thailand's night-time colours - from local night markets, to the distinctively Thai tastes of street cuisine - will spark vibrant social connections for businesses.  In addition, a brilliant blend of local activities throughout the calendar years enablesThailand to play host to any business event in any seasons, from summer to rainy and winter, made even more perfect with unique event experiences inspired by nature.

Complimented by geographical variety from the mountainous and lush green forest in the North, to the cultural crossroads in the Central, and stretches of white sandy beaches and ultimate active archipelagos in the South, Thailand can help organizers add value to their business event with CSR activities such as releasing turtles, cultivating coral, cleaning up the beach and planting sea grass, feed rescued elephants, build check dams, or conduct aerial reforestation, and engage in mangrove reforestation.

From high-potential exhibitions that create connections in a productive, inspiring atmosphere with valuable networking opportunities, to association meetings that benefit from venues and professionals certified to international standards, to Thailand's endless possibilities for relaxation and inspiring attractions; Thailand's offers the perfect blend of business and leisure.

Under the stewardship of the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (Public Organization), or TCEB, Thailand is positioning itself as a business events destination that offers all three and more. As the Thai government's flagship body for the sector, TCEB is playing a leading role in driving Thailand's leadership position in Asia's business events industry, and Bangkok's role as a premiere destination for international business events.

Credit and view full story at PR Newswire

Related link: Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB)
