Thailand in Focus :: Moody's: Thailand's ratings supported by strong government financial position


Moody's Investors Service says that Thailand's (Baa1 stable) ratings are supported by a very strong government financial position. The country's well-diversified economy and high foreign reserves are additional credit strengths.

Moody's conclusions were contained in its just-released credit analysis, titled "Thailand, Government of" and which examines the sovereign in four categories: economic strength, which is assessed as "high"; institutional strength "high (-)"; fiscal strength "very high (+)"; and susceptibility to event risk "moderate (+)".

"Thailand's low funding costs and favorable debt structure, which stem from prudent monetary policy and debt management, are a core strength in the government's debt carrying capacity" says Steffen Dyck, a Vice President and Senior Analyst at Moody's. "In addition, the high level of foreign exchange reserves limits external vulnerabilities, while the well-diversified economy is another credit strength."

Credit and view full story at Moody's
