Thailand in Focus :: Thai gov't assures public, int'l community of safety


The Thai government on Monday sent a message of confidence, assuring Thai citizens and the international community of its commitment to safety in Thailand in the wake of a deadly bombing attack last week.

The government "wishes to reassure the public that the situation is under complete control of security officials," the ministry of foreign affairs said in a statement.

Additional security personnel, both in uniform and plainclothes, have been deployed to patrol every area so as to accord maximum security to the general public, it said.

In addition, the government "would like to convey to all foreigners who are planning on traveling to Thailand, be they for tourism, trade, educational or business purposes, or MICE, that the government shall be doing its utmost to provide a safe and secure environment for the duration of your stay in Thailand," the statement said.

Credit and view full story at Xinhua
