Thailand in Focus :: PM receives ITU Global Sustainable Digital Development Award

PM receives ITU Global Sustainable Digital Development Award
The PM stated that it was an honor to attend dinner, and expressed deep gratitude to International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for granting ITU Global Sustainable Digital De-velopment Award to Thailand. Back in 1883, in the reign of H.M. King Chulalongkorn (Rama V), Thailand or Siam decided to become a member of ITU, which is the oldest international organization in the world and is the first membership of Thailand with an international organization. Thailand is well aware of the benefits the country would receive in becoming an ITU member, especially when it aims to develop and upgrade telecommunication services, as well as radio frequency management for telecommunication, to the international level. The ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific has chosen Thailand as its base since 1992, which is the more convenient of Thailand to communicate and cooperate with ITU in human resources development and advanced technology. Thailand is also a base for ITU to expand its support to other members in the region. The late 20th century, telecommunication and communication began to play a big part in people's lifestyle and become a useful tool in development. And in 2003, ITU state members adopted the Geneva agreement, cooperating the government to achieve the goal in creating social information that people around the world have access to and equally adopt, including the use of information technology as a tool to acheive the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) within  2015. At the United Nations (UN) Summit, Tunis, in 2006, the global community has become aware of the threat from the misuse of technology. Thailand, as a result, issued a law and put in place the measures to increase an awareness in techonology usage as well as promote the cooperation on the regional level, especially with the ASEAN countries, and other countries in the world. Source: Royal Thai Government
