Thailand in Focus :: European firms optimistic on Thailand, survey reveals

EUROPEAN companies still have high hopes of the Thai economy and think that an increase in customer base and market demand will help them gain profits, according to a survey on Business Confidence 2015 conducted by European Association for Business and Commerce (EABC). EABC conducted the survey from April to May this year. It sought opinion and feedback from chief executive officers and those in high managerial positions in European companies in Thailand. They were asked about confidence in the Thai economy and their views on current trade and investment issues, especially issues for the EU – Thailand free-trade agreement and the cancellation of the GSP. “They were optimistic and confident about the Thai economy. Even after the recent deadly bomb blast at Erawan Shrine in Bangkok, they said the event did not have much of an impact on trading between Thailand and the EU,” said Daniel. He believed that the Thai economy would improve in the next two years while businessmen also trusted that their business performance would improve along with the economic trend, with the main driver being a widening of customer base and market demand. Credit and view full story at The Nation
