Thailand in Focus :: TCEB Draws Global Media Events into Thailand to Emphasise Confidence, Targeting Quality MICE Travellers to Mark the Fiscal Year 2016

BANGKOKNov. 4, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau or TCEB firmly kicked off the fiscal year 2016, drawing regional media conferences of global scale into Thailand. These prestigious events, including the 14th CNBC Asia Business Leaders Awards 2015 and the Blooomberg ASEAN Business Summit 2015, will pool world's leading businesspersons to join conferences in Thailand by which can strengthen international confidence. The bureau is certain that the noteworthy conferences will contribute to the growth of MICE travellers by 5 percent to 1,060,000 visitors or equal to 92,000 million baht of revenue. Mr. Nopparat Maythaveekulchai, TCEB President, disclosed that, "TCEB's direction on MICE business promotion in the fiscal year 2016 will focus in making Thailand soar as a high quality MICE destination with sustainability. Emphasising in growing as the region's first-rate MICE market to serve the AEC integration at the end of 2015, capabilities of all parties related to the whole system of Thai MICE will be strengthened, side by side with empowering Thailand to fly high as the Top of Mind for Asian MICE industry. As a result, one of our key marketing strategies has embraced attracting large-scale MICE events into Thailand, including premium MICE events being organised by foreign media, along with the implementation of brand campaign Thailand CONNECT...Our Heart, Your World." Collaboration with foreign media will enable our country to mobilise Thai MICE industry in 3 aspects as follows: firstly, 'Building Thailand's image as a quality MICE destination' through the holding of business events and promotional activities of the press; secondly, 'Establishing international partnership' to promote Thai MICE toward global market, and lastly, the 'Creating knowledge transfer' including economic, politics and social issues, to reflect our leadership on a regional level. Credit and view full story at PR Newswire
