International Student Scholarships at Thammasat Business School


Announcement of Thammasat Business School 
Thammasat University
Criteria for Full Time International Student Scholarships at Thammasat Business School for Degrees Commencing in 2022


      Thammasat Business School, Thammasat University aims to promote internationalization by increasing the number of students from abroad within the faculty. To successfully achieve this objective, Thammasat Business School provides the scholarships to full time international students at the School.
      Thammasat Business School agreed to offer scholarships for international students towards degree in academic year 2022 in accordance with Thammasat University regulations concerning international students studying towards degrees since 2018, criteria as follows:

Article 1 Scholarship Applicant Qualifications
(1) The applicant is not of Thai nationality.
(2) The applicant selected to study towards a degree in Thammasat University in 2022.
(3) The applicant must meet the admission requirements of each program.

Article 2 Application and Consideration Process
(1) The applicant must submit the application form and related supporting documents at his/her selected program.
(2) The program shall consider the applicant’s qualifications as in program’s requirements and suitable.
(3) The program must send the list of ranked applicants to the Center for International Affairs.

Article 3 Admission Period:
Each program must send the list of applicants within these following deadlines.
(1) The deadline of the 1st round submission: May 27, 2022.
(2) The deadline of the 2nd round submission: November 28, 2022.

Article 4 Scholarship Coverage and Allocation
The faculty allocates up to 20 scholarships (10 scholarships for each type) at graduate and undergraduate levels per academic year, detail on each type of scholarships are as follows:

*Excludes additional fees such as new enrollment, maintenance of student status, graduation registration, and late registration fees.
Type B: Consists of 100% exemption fees as follows:
(1) The tuition fee and the program additional fee which will be exempt throughout the study period until the graduation and must not exceed the study period as mentioned in TQF 2 of the program curriculum. and
(2) The university fees such as library fee, network service, and insurance fees are included. However, these following fee are excluded such as maintenance of student status, graduation registration, and late registration fees.

Type C: Consists of 50% fees exemption fees as follows:
(1) The tuition fee and the program additional fee which will be exempt throughout the study period until the graduation and must not exceed the study period as mentioned in TQF 2 of the program curriculum. and
(2) The university fees such as library fee, network service, and insurance fees are included.
However, these following fee are excluded such as maintenance of student status, graduation registration, and late registration fees.

Article 5 Duration of the scholarship
The scholarship holder shall have the right to receive the scholarship for a period no greater than the period of education as specified in the curriculum (TQF 2).

Article 6 Scholarship Contract
The scholarship holder must enter into a scholarship contract with Thammasat Business School before receiving the first installment of the scholarship.

Article 7 Supervision of the Scholarship Holder
The scholarship holder must be under the supervision of his/her selected program. The program shall report the academic record of the scholarship holder to the Center for International Affairs at the end of every academic year. In cases where the scholarship holder violates Article 9, the program shall notify the Center for International Affairs within 30 days.

Article 8 Duties of the Scholarship Holder
The Scholarship holder shall strictly perform duties as follows:
(1) Behave in accordance with the rules and regulations of the faculty and the university
(2) Maintain academic performance with cumulative GPA as specified. Not less than 3.20 for graduate level and not less than 3.00 for undergraduate level
(3) Behave in a manner that does not damage the University’s reputation
(4) Should not abandon his/her education without a reasonable cause
(5) Assist with work for Thammasat Business School under his/her selected program deems appropriate over a period of study.

Article 9 Termination of the Scholarship
The scholarship shall terminate in the following cases:
(1) When the scholarship period ends
(2) When the scholarship holder indicates his/her intention for the scholarship to end to his/her selected program. Upon approval, the program shall in writing and send to the faculty.
(3) When the selected program notify that the scholarship holder violates Article 8
(4) The committee will consider to terminate scholarship from scholarship holder if he/she fails to observe the terms and conditions of Thammasat University.

This announcement applies to students admitted in the academic year 2022 onwards.

Announced on 30 December 2021

(Professor Ruth Banomyong, Ph.D.) 
