Thailand ranks 8th for the world’s best countries for children’s rights, according to the KidsRights Index 2020.

Thailand ranks 8th for the world’s best countries for children’s rights, according to the KidsRights Index 2020. The KidsRights Index, researched by KidsRights Foundation, in cooperation with Erasmus School of Economics, and International Institute of Social Studies, is an annual global index which assesses how well countries respect and commit to improve the rights of children. By using United Nations’ data as an indicator, the index attributes to 5 domains, namely, Right to Life, Right to Health, Right to Education, Right to Protection, and Enabling Environment for Child Rights. Thailand, among 182 countries worldwide, places in the highest ranking in Asia, and is the only developing country in the top 10 nations. Moreover, the country are performing best in the domain 5 “Enabling Environment for Child Rights”, ranking 1st with a score of 0.917.

