The Second Edition of the Causerie Cycle “ASEAN-plus Circle” on “Cyber Security and the Czech Experiences”


On 20 March 2018, the Royal Thai Embassy in Prague organized the second edition of the causerie cycle “ASEAN-plus Circle” on "Cyber Security and the Czech Experiences".  

Mr. Jaroslav Šmid, Deputy Director of National Cyber and Information Security Agency (NÚKIB) and Mr. Richard Kadlčák, Director and Special Envoy of the Cyber Security Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic were our guest speakers. The causerie was attended by the representatives from the Embassy of Japan, South Korea, Spain, Canada, Vietnam, Indonesia, as well as scholars from Charles University and Municipality University Prague, totaling about 15 people.

The causerie was initiated by the Royal Thai Embassy aiming to be an informal discussion forum on any important and interesting issues.

