ASEAN Business Connect reception to celebrate 50th anniversary of ASEAN at the Thai Residence


On 15 November 2017, His Excellency Mr. Narong Sasitorn, Ambassador of Thailand to the Czech Republic hosted ASEAN Business Connect reception at the Thai Residence. The event was held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).  H.E. Mr. Martin Tlapa, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Non-European Countries, Economic and Development Cooperation of the Czech Republic, also delivered a keynote remarks about the potential and new opportunities in the ASEAN region.

The aim of this event was not only to strengthen economic relationships between ASEAN member states and the Czech Republic but also to connect, reconnect and expand the business networks between the two sides.  Last year, trade volume between ASEAN and the Czech Republic has reached over 5 billion US dollars which ranked ASEAN at 15th of the external trade partners between Czech Republic and foreign countries.  

In this occasion, Mr. Jan Struž, Chairman of the Czech TOP100, presented awards to ASEAN ambassadors and representative as well as to DFM Martin Tlapa, in recognition of all the efforts in promoting business partnership between Czech Republic and ASEAN countries. Around sixty participants from several companies and industries attended the event, namely petrochemical industry, automotive industry, international school, companies importing organic agriculture, tropical fruits, gems and jewelries. Members of the Think Tanks and local media also attended the event.  

H.E. Mr. Narong Sasitorn, Ambassador of Thailand, delivered a welcoming speech.

H.E. Mr. Martin Tlapa, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic (left)
delivered a keynote remarks  

Mr. Jan Struž, Chairman of the Czech TOP100 (right)presested an award to H.E. Mr. Martin Tlapa,  Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic (left). 

Mr. Jan Struž, Chairman of the Czech TOP100 (right)presested an award to
H.E. Mr. Narong Sasitorn (left), the Ambassador of Thailand to the Czech Republic  

H.E. Mr. Aulia Aman Rachman, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia (left) and
H.E. Narong Sasitorn, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand (right) 

Czech TOP100 presented awards to ASEAN ambassadors and representative as well as
to Deputy Foreign Minister,
in recognition of all the efforts in promoting business partnership between
Czech Republic and ASEAN countries. 

(from left to right) Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand, Chairman of the Czech TOP100. Ambassador-designated of Malaysia, Representative of the Republic of the Philippines.

Atmosphere of the event

Atmosphere of the event

Atmosphere of the event

Atmosphere of the event.

H.E. Mr. Narong Sasitorn (middle) and the Working Group of the ASEAN Committee in Prague.

 ASEAN decoration.

  National cuisines from ASEAN embassies in Prague. 




