Royal Thai Embassy participated in the ASEAN Family Day


On 10 November 2017, the Royal Thai Embassy participated in the ASEAN Family Day hosted by the Philippine Embassy in Prague.  ASEAN Family Day is an annual event organized by the ASEAN Committee in Prague (ACP) which aims to strengthen relationship between the ASEAN embassies and community in Prague.

During the event, there are several activities for diplomats and staffs from ASEAN embassies including the members of their families to participate. The event was a good opportunity for members of ASEAN community to meet up and tighten their relationships. In this occasion, the Royal Thai Embassy provided Thai coconut rice noodle, chicken green curry, and coconut balls for dessert which were popular dishes among our ASEAN families.  ASEAN Family Day has not only created friendship between member states and their families but also strengthen ties between people in the ASEAN community in the Czech Republic.  
