The Royal Thai Embassy participated in the Loy Krathong activity organised by the Czech - Thai Society


On 4 November 2017, the Royal Thai Embassy was invited by the Czech – Thai Society to participate in the “Loy Krathong” activity.  Ms. Nattanipa Burusapat, Minister-Counsellor, gave a welcoming remark to approximately 30 Thai and Czech participants who were members of the Society, their families, Thai exchange students in the Czech Republic and their host families, and Thai people residing in the Czech Republic.  Ms. Burusapat talked about the cooperation between the Embassy and the Society, both of which had long supported each other’s activities.  She emphasised that such cooperation helped promote knowledge and understanding about Thailand in the Czech Republic and good people-to-people relations, which would also contribute towards the cordial ties between the two countries.


The Royal Thai Embassy has continued to support the Czech – Thai society’s activities.  The latest existing project is the photo contest about Thailand, which the Society will exhibit the selected and winning pictures during 11 December 2017 – 11 January 2018 at the Lucerna Theatre in Prague. 

*Loy Krathong is one of important Thai traditions.  On full-moon day of the twelfth lunar month, Thai people float the “krathong”, a lotus-shaped vessel with candles, incenses and flowers, onto the waters as an act of expressing gratitude and offering apology to the goddess of water since the people have always used and polluted water for daily activities.  It is also believed that the krathong will take away their misfortunes.  To date, the Loy Krathong has evolved to become a grand festival, which some places in Thailand celebrate the occasion with parties, music, traditional dances, fireworks and beauty pageants.  This year’s Loy Krathong Day in Thailand was on 3 November 2017.
