“Representatives of the Czech authorities meet Thai community“ Seminar in Prague


On 22 August 2016, the Royal Thai Embassy in Prague succesfully organized a seminar titled “Representatives of the Czech authorities meet Thai community“ at the Embassy’s premise. The main purpose of this seminar was to keep the Thai community informed and updated about relevant immigration and labour regulations, as well as to raise awareness of these matters among the Thai community.




The seminar started with the opening remarks by H.E. Mr. Narong Sasitorn, Ambassador of Thailand to the Czech Republic, followed by a presentation on "Employee Card and transposition amendment to the Act on Residence of Foreign Nationals" by Mr. Pavel Macha, Deputy Head of Methodology Unit, Department of Asylum and Migration Policy, Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic, and a presentation on "The Czech labour market actual situation" by  Dr. Katerina Stepankova, Deputy Head of Department of Foreign Employment, Minsitry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic.




The seminar was well-attended and received positive responses from the participants. After the seminar all participants also enjoyed luncheon hosted by the Embassy at the Embassy‘s garden and received small souvenirs from the Embassy.

