Latest News :: Thai medical doctors dispatched to Nepal for earthquake relief

Prime Minister of Thailand General Prayut expressed his deep condolences to Nepal and its people, and stated that Ministry of Foreign Affairs was ordered to collaborate with the Royal Thai Embassy in Kathmandu to provide help to the Thai citizens. So far, forty Thais residing in Nepal have taken refuge at the Royal Embassy, and there will be more. The Royal Thai Embassy and the consulate will be the main contact and connect Thai residents with their relatives. According to PM Prayut, Thai students and tourists are all safe.

With regard to Thailand’s assistance in the relief effort, the Thai Prime Minister stated that Thailand committed to provide US$200,000 in aid to Nepal, as well as medical team, food, clothes, and necessary supplies. The Royal Thai Air Force sent the team of seven medical doctors on board C130 to Nepal in order to help established field hospitals and medical liaison center. Thailand will also dispatch forensic scientists to assist in forensic work over the death victims.

PM Prayut ordered all sectors to facilitate public donations via all channels possible, such as TV channels, local administrations, and Damrongtham Centers all over the country. As of now, the donation is at 127 million Baht.

Source: Royal Thai Government
