Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand attended "Thailand Travel Updates" organized by TAT Prague Office

On 24 February 2022, H.E. Ms. Phasporn Sangasubana, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Czech Republic attended “Thailand Travel Updates” at Eurostars Thalia, Prague, organized by Tourism Authority of Thailand, Prague Office. The event aims to promote and create awareness to the Czech tour operators and tourism service providers on the opening up of Thailand for tourism under the Test&Go and the Sandbox schemes along with the promotion of Thai tourism service packages and products. Representatives from EVA AIR and ERV Evropska Pojistovna Travel Insurance Company were present at the event to reaffirm their readiness to facilitate Czech and foreign tourists for their traveling to Thailand. In addition, Mr. Rudolf Havlik, movie director and Mr. Petr Erben, movie producer of the Czech films, e.g. Ostrov and Babovky, which were shot in Thailand, were also present to share their travel experience to Thailand. The event was attended by more than forty interested Czech tour operators and TAT partners.
