Policy Discussion with JUDr. Rudolf Jindrák, Office of the President of the Czech Republic

On 21 October 2021, JUDr. Rudolf Jindrák, Director of International Department at the Office of the President of the Czech Republic, gave an honour as a guest speaker to a Public Policy Discussion, co-hosted by H.E. Ms. Phasporn Sangasubana, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Czech Repblic, the Prague Society, and the Global Panel Foundation.

The diplomatic corps from Asia, Europe, and America region participated in the talk and the exchage of views on political direction and foreign policy.

(In the picture, from left:
- H.E. Mrs. Rosaura Leonora Rueda Gutierrez, Embassy of United Mexican States
- Mr. Michael Stimson - Vice President and Member of the Board, Prague Society for International Cooperation
- H.E. Ms. Ms. Phasporn Sangasubana, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand
- Ms. Kimberly Phillips, Counsellor, Embassy of Canada
- Dr. Barbara Day, MBE, Governor of the English College in Prague
- JUDr. Rudolf Jindrák Director International Department at the Office of the President of the Czech Republic
- Ms. Eva Anderova, Vice President at the University of New York in Prague
- H.E. Mrs. Maria-Antoaneta Barta, Ambassador of Romania
- H.E. Mrs. Ljiljana Pancirov, Ambassador of Croatia
- Prof. Marc S. Ellenbogen, President of the Prague Society for International Cooperation
- Mrs. Farashima Aini Binti Mohd Ali - Counsellor, Embassy of Malaysia)
