Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand attended 20th ACP Meeting and took over ACP Chairmanship

On 27 August 2021, H.E. Ms. Phasporn Sangasubana, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Czech Republic, attended the 20th Meeting of ASEAN Committee in Prague (ACP) at the Residence of H.E. Mrs. Kenssy D. Ekaningsih, the Ambassador of Indonesia. 

The Meeting discussed the activities in the second half of 2021 to raise the ASEAN presence and engagement with local community. The meeting concluded with the handover of ACP Chairmanship from Indonesia to Thailand.

The Meeting was followed by the appreciation dinner, hosted by Indonesian Ambassador, for Mr. Jiři Trousil and Mr. Tomaš Kocourek, the Customs officials, who were speakers for the ACP briefing on eCustoms on 15 July 2021
