ASEAN Committee in Prague contributed 1500 FFP2 respirators to support the work of the Municipality Office of Prague 6


On 11 May 2021, H.E. Ms. Phasporn Sangasubana Ambassador-Designate of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Czech Republic, together with the ASEAN Committee in Prague which comprises of ASEAN Ambassadors in the Czech Republic; namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, and Chargé d'affaires of Myanmar, contributed 1500 FFP2 respirators in order to support the work of the Municipality Office of Prague 6 where many foreign embassies including some of ASEAN embassies are located.  The Indonesian Ambassador as a Chairperson of the ASEAN Committed in Prague signed the contribution agreement with Mr. Ondrej Kolár, Mayor of Prague 6, with all ASEAN Ambassadors and Chargé d'affaires presented as witnesses.  


The ASEAN Committee in Prague’s contribution which supports the work of the Municipality Office of Prague 6 is part of the Committee’s activities to create better awareness of ASEAN and its active role in the Czech Republic as a host country.


Moreoever, this activity is an opportunity for the Committee to cooperate with local authorities and private sectors to reduce hunger and malnutrition including promoting the well-being of the underprivileged and fighting against COVID-19 in the Czech Republic.
