The virtual 19th ASEAN Committee in Prague Meeting

On 26 March 2021, Mr. Nattaphon Sapsinsoonthon, Chargé d’affaires ad interim of the Royal Thai Embassy, attended the virtual 19th ASEAN Committee in Prague Meeting together with Ms. Kakanang Amranand, Counsellor of the Royal Thai Embassy, which was chaired by Vietnamese Ambassador to the Czech Republic. Ambassadors and officials from other 4 ASEAN Embassies in the Czech Republic, namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and the Philippines, also attended the Meeting.
On this occassion, the Meeting discussed the report of activites of the ASEAN Committe in Prague in the year 2020 and the planned activities to be co-organised in 2021 in order to promote awareness about ASEAN and strenghthen the roles of ASEAN in the Czech Republic. The Meeting also witnessed the Chairmanship Handover Ceremony to the Indonesian Ambassador to the Czech Republic as a new chairperson of the ASEAN Committee in Prague for the period from January - June 2021.
