Remarks by the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Czech Republic

Remarks by the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Czech Republic on the Occasion of the Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty Late King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great of Thailand,  the Thai Father Day and the National Day of the Kingdom of Thailand. 


Sawasdee ka and Dobrý Den,

On the 5th of December every year, Thais around the world celebrate our national day, which is the Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty the Late King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great of Thailand as well as the Father Day of the nation. And today, I am pleased to celebrate this auspicious occasion with all of you.

In 2020, the momentum of Thai-Czech relations continues. Following the official visit of the His Excellency Prime Minister Andrej Babis in 2019, there were several high-level visits to Thailand from the Czech representatives, including the visit of His Excellency Radek Vondracek, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, His Excellency Richard Brabec, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Environment, and His Excellency Antonín Staněk, Chairperson of the Czech-Thai Inter-parliamentary Friendship Group. Those visits clearly demonstrated firm commitment and close cooperation between our two countries.  

Unfortunately, the planned official visit to the Czech Republic of our Prime Minister, His Excellency General Prayuth Chan-o-cha this year couldn’t be realized due to the COVID-19 situation.  Numbers of events and meetings were forced to reschedule and adapted to a New Normal, including the Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation, the Sub-Committee on Tourism, and the Coordinating Committee on Defence Cooperation, to name a few.  However, with a strong commitment of both sides, I am certain that all these activities will be actualized in 2021.

On the economic front, despite the COVID-19 situation, I am pleased that our bilateral trade has not been affected, thanks to a strong partnership between the Chambers of Commerce, who have renewed the Memorandum of Understanding on their Cooperation this year, as well as private sectors of both sides.  On our part, the Royal Thai Embassy in Prague will continue to support and promote trade and investment cooperation and opportunity between our two countries.

On the positive note, the COVID-19 situation gives us the opportunity to promote people-to-people relations. We are delighted to be invited to participate in the International Travelling Exhibition Helpful Art in COVID promoting artworks created from around the world during the pandemic, including several Thai artists. Those artworks helped people survive through this hard time and we are more than happy to be part of it. 

During this difficult time, the Royal Thai Embassy in Prague together with the Tourism Authority of Thailand cooperated with local authorities and agencies, including Mayor Office of Prague 1 in preparing Thai food for healthcare workers, firefighters and volunteers, and in contributing Thai food products for those in needs through the Federation of Czech Food Banks.  Our contribution and support, although in a small way, reflected our thanks and strong commitment to join hands with Prague and the Czech Republic in fighting against the COVID-19.  

Last but not least, I would like to express our appreciation to  relevant Czech authorities for their kind support to the Embassy’s consular mission in helping Thai nationals residing in the Czech Republic, who are affected by the situation. Our appreciation is also extended to all who have contributed to the Thai-Czech relations and we are looking forward to stregthening and deepening our friendship and cooperation next year and many years to come.   


Kob Kun ka. Dekujeme.
