The Royal Thai Embassy, Prague, the Tourism Authority of Thailand, Prague and Prague 1 cooked Thai food for Czech medical staff and volunteers


On 29 April 2020 H.E. Mrs. Ureerat Chareontoh, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Czech Republic, Miss Wajanan Silpawornwiwat, Director of Tourism Authority of Thailand, Prague, Mr. Petr Hejma, Mayor of Prague 1 and Mr. Libor Votruba, Chairman of the Board of Czech-Thai Committee, Foreign Section, Czech Chamber of Commerce and Zlute Lazne, cooked Thai food for firemen in Prague 1, staff of Frantisku Municipal Hospital, working in the special COVID-19 ward, staff of elderly homes and volunteers in Prague 1. The Embassy’s contribution and support, although in a small way, reflects our thanks and strong commitment to join hands with Prague, and the Czech Republic, in fighting against COVID-19.

