Symphony Orchestra Concert by Siam Sinfonietta in Prague


On 12 September 2019, H.E. Mrs. Ureerat Chareontoh, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Czech Republic, diplomats and official from the Royal Thai Embassy and the Thai Trade Office in Prague, attended a three-hour symphony orchestra concert which was performed by Novemestska filharmonie, a Czech youth orchestra, and Siam Sinfonietta, a Thai youth orchestra led by Mr. Somtow Sucharitkul, a renowned Thai conductor from the Bangkok Opera Foundation at Martinu Hall, HAMU. Siam Sinfonietta performed both European and Thai pieces which were well received such as His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great’s compositions and excerpts from Helena Citronová which was composed by Mr. Somtow Sucharitkul.  On this occasion, the Embassy also hosted a reception with several Thai dishes for diplomatic corps and other invited guests. The concert was open to public and was attended by almost 200 people.  














